Things have been moving at break neck speed it seems so here's a "drive by" blog post!
ToolMan and I spotted this on our way to the Columbia Gorge Fiber Festival a couple weeks ago; we seriously considered forcing him onto the shoulder for a quick refill!
The fiber fest was full of the usual goodies and old friends.
I didn't have much time to shop; I spent most of my time spinning and winding skeins of yarn for donations. I did get a couple of bobbins filled but didn't finish the bump of fiber; hopefully I'll get it done this week. Ha!
The Secret Knitting is done and has been turned in. This is the only thing I can show you until it's released later in the year. I can tell you that the yarn, Stacatto from Shibui, was absolutely fabulous to knit with! And this isn't the actual color; the one I got the joy of knitting with hasn't been released yet. :)
I gave up on the warp that was on the loom and cut the whole mess off. I did invest in the Floor Loom Weaving class on Craftsy, which has taught me more in a few hours than what I gleaned from library books and websites. If you haven't heard of Craftsy, go over there and try one one the free classes. I'm liking their format more and more; it has the convenience of a CD to rewind and replay, but the addition of being able to email questions to the instructor is the best thing since sliced bread! I plan on using my little Secret Knitting check to pick up a warping board, couple of shuttles, and other things I need to start weaving. Lord knows I have enough yarn to start with!
I think I've identified the judges for the Washington County Fair; I just need to squeeze in a meeting time when we can all sit down and discuss details and times. I've been recruiting volunteers to help with the Fair, and that'll probably continue right up to the last minute.
My poor TKGA Masters notebook is sitting somewhat neglected; I have finished the first 3 swatches and swatch pages and gotten them into the notebook. Too many things on my plate right now to concentrate on that. It may get put on the back burner until after the Fair.
Until next time, I'll see you in the funny pages!