Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Dance!

I mentioned last week that I joined the Thrifty Swap on Ravelry and was filling a bag for my swap partner.  I was so enthralled with filling the bag and getting it sent off to April in Mississippi, that forgot to take pictures!  Good thing April saw fit to take a picture and put it in her Flickr album.  So if you want to see what April got, go here and take a look.  I sent her two skeins of wool, a skein of cashmere, a cute coffee cup full of hard candy, some Wade figurines, some knitting themed cards, some funny sticky notes, and a box of chocolates inside a large cotton print bag.

My turn to brag and do the Happy Dance!  Here's what was in the box that I received from April:

A veritable treasure trove!  There were two Vogue Knitting magazines, one with a collection of Scottish inspired knits; a gorgeous Vera Bradley bag, perfect for the sweater I'm working on; a skein of yarn she dyed, in beautiful blues, greens and purples; a sweater sleeve to unravel, which is soft as butter; a beaver toy for Andy Rooney; a couple skeins of bamboo yarn, destined to become a summer shawl; a little yellow minion monster; a pair of gloves made from a fulled sweater; and my favorite, a brooch that looks like knitting on the needles with balls of yarn dangling on the bottom! 

This is Kaori; she's one of the young attorneys in my office.  She had a hard row to go last week; she had 4 hearings in 3 days so we were scrambling to keep up with her schedule.  And she was puppy sitting for Riley. 

Riley was a well-behaved boy and so was able to come to work with her every day.  It's amazing how a few minutes to take Riley for a walk or a rousing game of tug-of-war could relieve the stress of preparing for a trial or the disappointment of not getting the outcome we expected.  Almost as good as baby snuggling.


  1. Woohoo! What a haul!

    And Riley is clearly a therapy dog. Bring your dog to work should be a built in benefit for high-stress jobs.

  2. Woot! Loot! And how nice that she included Andy Rooney in all that bounty.


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