Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Guilty Pleasures

Well, I finally slogged my way to the end of that baby sweater. It's been stretched to within an inch of it's life and has been steamed not once, but twice to keep it from curling up. Next comes the big fun (she said sarcasitically) of seaming and finishing. But once I was done with that thing, I moved on to one of my guilty pleasures: knitting socks.

Now, I know that lots of people (actually, I know MOST) people don't really give a rip about hand knitted socks, but I happen to love them. I love knitting them, I love collecting the patterns, I love shopping (more like fondling) for sock yarn, I love wearing them, and I love giving them. Problem was this time, they're baby socks. Only about 3 hours each; far to short a time to be truly satisfying. So while I knitted the first one last night, I indulged in another guilty pleasure: Dancing With The Stars.

Ok, I know that show is the dregs of what's available on the telly. If you scroll down to the bottom to see my favorite TV stuff, you'll see it's mostly educational, or at the very least, a well done series. But I can't help myself, I was capitivated by this show last year and now am completely enraptured. I can't believe how well Alia Ali and Apollo Anton Ohno did! The only other thing I watch with this kind of attention is another guilty pleasure: American Idol.

I know, it's as like Dancing With The Stars, only with singing. I know it's the bottom of the barrel, pure dreck, only one small step up from pro wrestling. And still, I can't help myself. I love to critique not only the contestants, but the judges. Like I could sing, dance, or judge half as well as they do! But then again, can they knit socks?

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