Sunday, October 25, 2009

Short and sweet

Well, we think we've got all the shoes back on the rack; hopefully, they'll stay there!

We heard from our oncologist on Friday; the Tumor Board recommended no chemo or radiation. They feel sure that the number of carcinoma cells are minimal (of course, one is all it takes) and the side effects wouldn't outweigh any benefit that might be gained. They'll be doing a blood test for cancer markers every three months from now on and if the markers rise, he'll get a full-body CT scan to locate any new invasions. And he'll need a colonoscopy yearly from now on. So the only thing left now is the Mohs surgery for skin cancer, which should be pretty routine.

Jack has had a lumbar epidural for pain; he's going to try that before resorting to surgery. At least now, he's able to sleep in bed rather than the floor as he has been the last few weeks.

Joe is supposed to have a biopsy next week, but he has a cold and was running a fever on Friday so that will likely be postponed when he talks to the doctors tomorrow. He says he's really tired (high white blood counts do that) but hopefully that will go away when he's able to start treatment.

I forgot to tell you that last week, I met Cindy, Tammy, Judy, and Joan Schrouder for dinner. We met at the shop where Cindy works, All About Yarn, and went to dinner at Newport before going to the Tigard Knitting Guild. What a joy to see Joan again; and even better to see her presentation to the Guild of things she had knit through the years. I think my favorite was a Baby Surprise Jacket she made for a grandchild. Joan bravely knit the jacket in Oregon Beavers' orange and black, per the request of said child's father, being an Oregon Duck herself. But as they say, "the devil is in the details" so Joan sneakily put in a shadow knit pattern on the back; "GO DUCKS" in large letters. She says "the devil made her do it".

I also made it to Wednesday Knit Night last week and this one, too; I'm still working on those fingerless mitts for my co-workers. I felt nice to be "back in the fold" again!

And yesterday, my dear friend Barbara flew in from Phoenix for SOAR; she and Cindy both going for the whole week. I had the pleasure of entertaining her for the afternoon, which not a hard task at all! We sat in the living room in the fall sunshine with the fireplace going; she was knitting and I was spinning and we talked and talked and talked. I didn't realize how much I missed seeing her at OFFF this year! Then Cindy and Judy came to meet us for dinner. ToolMan stayed home (USC was playing), so the four of us had a wonderful dinner at Chinatown Restaurant. It may not look like much, but this place has the best Chinese I've ever eaten. Judy took home the doggie bag and I brought a family dinner home to ToolMan; he loves their pork chow mein!

After some good news and some good times with good friends, I feel very much rejuvenated and ready to face the world again.


  1. What a surprise on the baby surprise! I love that. Was the treachery ever discovered?

    Glad ToolMan is doing well; just monitoring things sounds very manageable.

  2. You've had quite the seige. Hooray for friends and great dinners! Strength to you and Toolman!

  3. I'm glad to hear things are settling down a bit, there's a lot going on for guys. Take care.

  4. So glad to hear that the world is coming back into balance for you.
    Still sending good thoughts.


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